Does It Pay off to Recycle Electronic Waste?

On: Sep 1, 2016
By: admin
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Category: Collection
View: 464
  Every year, we produce 50 million tonnes of e-waste. The problem is more and more pressing, and it is additionally exacerbated by the activities of manufacturers, as in their case short product life cycles translate into higher profits. One way to fight the wave of e-waste is proper recycling. Despite numerous advantages of e-waste […]

Scrap Non-Ferrous Metals Better Than Iron?

On: Aug 25, 2016
By: admin
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Category: Collection
View: 497
Over the last years, the British industry has been more than willing to use scrap non-ferrous metals for production. The situation is similar in many other European countries. According to analysts, this is a constant trend that might even get reinforced in the following years. What does it result from and what are the consequences? Generally […]

How to Quickly Sell Your Old Car?

On: Aug 18, 2016
By: admin
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Category: Collection
View: 588
Everyone who’s ever had an old, unused car knows what a nuisance it can be. It takes up space in the garage, freezes our money, and each day its technical condition gets worse. A solution would be getting rid of it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this isn’t always simple.   If you have a problem […]