Thefts on the Decline – the First Effects of Changes in Regulations

On: Sep 27, 2016
By: admin
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Category: Collection
View: 449
  The number of thefts of metal in the United Kingdom has declined. This is very good news both for the authorities and citizens. The UK government and local authorities believe that a decrease in the number of thefts is directly related to the introduction of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act.   For years, thefts […]

Chinese Steel Floods the World

On: Sep 8, 2016
By: admin
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Category: Collection
View: 473
Over the last years, the world has been literally flooded with steel produced in China. There’s plenty of it, it’s very cheap and causes massive drops in the material prices. Who will suffer the unpleasant consequences of Chinese overproduction and is there any way to change this unfavourable situation? From the perspective of the global […]

Does It Pay off to Recycle Electronic Waste?

On: Sep 1, 2016
By: admin
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Category: Collection
View: 464
  Every year, we produce 50 million tonnes of e-waste. The problem is more and more pressing, and it is additionally exacerbated by the activities of manufacturers, as in their case short product life cycles translate into higher profits. One way to fight the wave of e-waste is proper recycling. Despite numerous advantages of e-waste […]